Most people who invest in our gear are also interested in how it’s made. We want to be as transparent as possible about this, how we manufacture our gear and from where we source our materials is both a matter of pride and values for us. Our stuff is not made to be cheap, it’s made to function and endure.

We are a Finland based, Finnish company employing a total of over 200 employees in total at our facilities in Finland and Estonia. Due to the ever-increasing demand some of our manufacturing is done by subcontractors, the select few subcontractors we use are based in Finland, Estonia and Poland. All quality control is done at our headquarters in Karstula, Finland.
The majority of materials we use are made in the EU. Most of the webbing we use is Finnish made. All except for Multicam Cordura we use is EU made. Our Multicam fabrics and webbing are US made. Some buckles and fabrics we use are made in Asia. 97% of our materials are sourced from the EU, 2% from the US and 1% from Asia.
With 97% of our materials being EU sourced, and all manufacturing being done in the EU, we can proudly say that our gear is indeed very much EU made, and that’s quite something!

At our headquarters in Karstula, Finland we do pretty much everything. Our main offices and logistics are located here, our production facility in Karstula offers our full spectrum of manufacturing capabilities: metalworking, laser cutting, vacuum forming and of course a lot of sewing. Having all our production capabilities at our HQ offers flexibility when needed and is a fundamental necessity for our product development.

Our facilities in Estonia are used for large scale sewing of our regular textile products. Big production runs of our packs, pouches etc. are mostly sewn here.

If you’re wondering where your specific piece of Savotta gear was made – just check the tag! These mostly say simply “Made in Finland”, “Made in Estonia” or “Made in Poland”. If it says “Made in Finland & Estonia” then that means just that, the work of that product has been split up between our two facilities.
Remember that you can always contact us if you have any questions!